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RE: Cleaning shop rags

Several good suggestions have been made on this, so I'll offer a little bit
more.  Personally, I take my used rags to work and let the laundry service
that cleans our shop rags there clean mine.  I get a nice bundle back for
only a few dollars each cleaning.  Before that, I cleaned them the same way
I did my greasy work clothes when I did much more manual labor than I do
now.  Put a cup of mineral spirts in the wash water with the laundry
detergent and use warm or hot water.  After cleaning the greasy things, run
an empty load through the washer to clean out the gunk that will build up
on the tub.  Mineral spirits used to be used as a dry cleaning
solvent,called Stoddard Solvent, so it works pretty good.  

For my wax rags, I just wash them at home in hot water with NO water
softeners and a little detergent.  Wash them and my car drying towels
together myself, not trusting my wife to do it because she will
automatically add softener.

Another suggestion is to strike up a friendship with a local garage, use
their labor and expertise on some really hard jobs, and get them to rent
you the necessary number of rags that you will let them have cleaned for
you with theirs.  Most shops go through so many that if you are a good
customer they might not even charge you anything.

Bill Mitchell
Heart of Dixie Chapter
'95 540i/6 sharked, BL/SSed
