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Re: Fiat Brand Image

"Damon R. Kane" <X19Fan@domain.elided> wrote:

>First, you mentioned that Fiat has a negative brand value now.
>Not that I doubt this, but I wonder, with the typically short
>memory span of the american consumer, Fiat brand really negative,
>or is it just neutral?

I think it's still negative; there was enough negativity about it
"back then" to last a loooong time, and it's been (unfortunately)
burned in to our (US) cultural memory as an always-and-forever
bad product, along with "new Coke," Ford Pintos, and (you can
think of other examples yourselves). 

My 12-year-old nephew knows, somehow, that Fiat stands for "Fix
it again, Tony."  "Fiats suck," for whatever reason(s), is still
part of US cultural memory.

"Super Shops is a hopeless business, founded by idiots,
     and run by losers."
                          - #2 on Erik's list of racers' gripes

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