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Re: Fiberglass vs Metal

If I were in the same situation I think I would use fiberglass. The
biggest reason people tell there aren't more Scouts being used on the
trails is because they're so heavy. There has to be soe quality, strong
f-glass parts out there, I know SSS has a decent selection if I remember

Vinnie Moscaritolo wrote:

> My Scout was recently hit in an accident ;-(  (I can't get into
> details just yet, but it was bad) , and I need to start thinking
> about  repairs.  Since the frame was hammered, I am thinking about
> rebuilding a scout II from the ground up (with parts I salvage from
> my machine).
> What I'd like to know is if it makes sense to go with fiberglass
> parts vs steel. has anyone had any luck using the FB parts? And how
> much should be done in FB vs steel. The fenders, Tub?
> can anyone relate their experience using FB on a Scout?
> Vinnie Moscaritolo
> http://www.vmeng.com/vinnie/
> PGP: 3F903472C3AF622D5D918D9BD8B100090B3EF042
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Those who hammer their swords into plows,
> will plow for those who don't."

Kevin and Lisa Curry <>< - kevin@domain.elided
 - The only thing we have to look forward to when
   the  war in Kosovo is over is more Time/Life books"

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