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Re: the gold box

LATE BREAKING NEWS: "Farmer" <pharmer@domain.elided> wins the 40 million
dollar lottery and says:

>I grudgingly agree with John about these
>ignitions:  the most practical choice is probably to keep them, and spend
>that money on something else.  But I'd rather have something sexier - like
>the Pertronix, Mallory, etc.

That's *exactly* the reason companies like MSD, Jacobs, Mallory, Crane, et.
al. are doing such a great business in aftermarket ignitions.  It's because
whether we really *need* such things or not, they know we will happily
spend our hard earned cash to get them.  Oil additives and split spark
plugs (which some studies have shown don't do anything - or in some cases
do more harm than good) are case in point.  Millions of dollars are spent
each year by consumers on automotive *junk* we don't need.  I'll admit I've
succumbed to it just like everyone else... but I'm trying to learn and be
more skeptical and informed as the years go by.  I'm getting to where I
like to see *proof* (actual controlled test results) before I buy into the

Geez... I'm starting to sound like Tom Harrias!

Just my $0.02 worth.

John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      |"I don't care if you think it's your right.
Conservative Libertarian        | I say: Sorry, it's 1999. We have had
Life Member of the NRA          | enough as a nation. You are not allowed
WA Arms Collectors              | to own a gun, and if you do own a gun
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   | I think you should go to prison."
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |        -- Talk-show host Rosie O'Donnell

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