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Re: Travelettes

On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 10:27:51 -0800 MikeIIDC@domain.elided writes:
>Is there any reason that 4WD was not offered in the T'ettes in '74-75? 
>there some safety issue?  Not popular?  I remember discussing this in
>context to the WagonMasters briefly-something about them not mounting
>fifth wheel in the 4WD or something.  Can you enlighten me on this, or 
>is it an unknown?
I don't know of any particular reason the 4x4 Travelette was dropped.  In
fact, I was not aware of it until recently.  I assumed it was because it
was a fairly low-volume combination and was dropped from the lineup to
simplify production variations.  This was something that was constantly
happening, although many of the dropped options seemed to creep back in
if it would sell a truck. 

The was no connection between this and the Wagonmaster/fifth wheel
problems.  What I think you are remembering is that IH did not mount a
fifth wheel hitch in the 1/2 ton version of the Wagonmaster because of
the limited load capacity and on the 3/4 ton versions, the hitch had to
be mounted too far to the rear for proper weight distribution, whether it
was 2WD or 4WD.  Fifth wheels would not have been a problem in the
Travelette as they had the bed length to allow the hitch to be properly
mounted, although the 6 1/2' bed may not have been long enough for some

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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