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Re: '59 BC-150 Info Wanted

On Mon, 09 Feb 1998 23:21:07 -0700 Tom <myttom@domain.elided> writes:
>> "The lineset should be available from Navistar, if you can find a 
>> that wants to bother ordering it."
>I have seen the term "lineset" used a couple of times lately.  What 
>are they, how do you get one, and how far do they go back?TIA
The lineset is the "factory order form" or the build sheet  or whatever
you want to call it that specifies how the truck is to be
built--wheelbase, engine, transmission, axles, ratios, paint, etc. 
Navistar has them on microfilm back to about 57 for the pickups, back
into the 40's for bigger trucks.  Go to a Navistar dealer and ask at the
parts counter.  They can order them if they want to take the time
although the price seems excessive for a piece of paper.

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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