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Re: Borg Warner Auto Tranny

On Mon, 9 Feb 1998 20:08:14 -0800 "Allan Weidenheimer"
<allanw@domain.elided> writes:
>>The Borg Warner was used through 1972, with the Chrysler starting with
>>the 73 models.
>I don't think the cutoff was this clean, maybe Scouts continued to use
>B-W auto tranny until 73, but my '72 1210 Pickup has the 727.  
>It shows a build date of June.
>Maybe heavier trucks started getting the 727 earlier?

That wouldn't surprise me, but 73 is the best approximation to use.  I
doubt if the switch coincided exactly with the start of the model year
production in either model.  But your truck is ALMOST a 73.  Generally
the model year break was in July when the plant returned for the usual
shutdown the first two weeks of July

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts.

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