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Re: Master Cylinder ?s

On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:52:28 -0700 Chris DesPlanques <adesp@domain.elided>
>What year did the Scout go from single cylinder master cylinder to
>double cylinder master cylinders. I read a book that in '67 they went 
>to double but I have what I think to be a '67 (that's what the title 
>says) but it has a single cylinder.  Any thoughts?
>Chris Des Planques
>'67 800
The year that went on the titles was a very inexact science until the
1970's when safety and emissions requirements started requiring different
specs for different years and the consumer protection movement gained
strength.  Up through the 60's, it was common for trucks (anyone, not
just IH) to title the truck as being of the year it was sold, not built,
particularly when there were no model changes for several years.  But I
have also heard of L-lines that were titled two years into the R-line

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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