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Re: 1994 540i Auto Transmission Service and Fluid

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Henri Baccouche wrote:

> michael_kohlbrenner@domain.elided wrote:
> > I don't call a transmission that needs replacement after
> > only 125K miles "moving forward".
> Generally, this has been the case since the ZF4HP22 was introduced in
> ~1984....unless it was the "sport"  EH model. (They could go sooner....)

	Do the manual or the sequential shift (the semi-auto 6 speed)
transmission has the same problem?

> > > ...and further more the advance of lubricant technology
> > > makes the "lifetime" fluids possible.
> >
> > The only way I'll buy that is if "lifetime" is defined as
> > "lifetime of the warranty".
> "Lifetime" of the transmission...........

	What is the MTBF rating for the transmission by the manufacturer
on the specifications?

> > You are going to have a hard time convincing me that ANY
> > fluid will still be "good" after so many miles.  And I'm
> > one who thinks that 3000 mile engine oil changes are
> > excessive.
> >
> > > As I see it, everybody is having a hard time accepting
> > > is the fact that these very complex first generation
> > > digital five speed automatics are :
> > >
> > > 1. Designed to be Maintenance free....if there is hardware
> > > problem, the unit is to exchanged. I can accept this as
> > > reasonable service routine, except the price is very high
> > > because there is a  relatively very small market for
> > > rebuilt ZF 5HP30 units. ( as an example)
> >
> > You actually think that a 125K mile transmission (at any
> > cost) is acceptable?
> It's what has been going on..........with BMW or MBZ for the most part.
> (they both use ZF designs.....)

	Now I wonder how some people can still own some very old models of
cars.  It must be expensive in maintanence.

> > > 2. Will probably not last 200K miles no matter what you
> > > do.......replacing the "lifetime" fluids is probably a
> > > waste of money. This is the point which irritates everybody
> > > who believed in the old routine of changing out the Dexron
> > > regularly made the trans last 200K.
> >
> > How do you know this?
> Well , this list is global.....
> Anybody out there with 200K miles on the original ZF 5HP30 unit?
> I also have my own informal survey........

	I'm sure there will be some people who will be exceptions to every
rule since the 125k miles is more of a average rating.  Some people will
have more and some have less.

> > > These new fluids are not Dexron......
> >
> > I realize this.  I have no problem with the existence of a
> > special fluid.  I have trouble with the claim that it will
> > last 125K miles.  And I have trouble with the concept that
> > it is somehow acceptable to have to drop huge money on a
> > new transmission at a mere 125K miles.
> >
> > > ... If you examine your BMW or Mercedes or VW/Audi
> > > (funny.....!) or Porsche (funnier.....!) at 125K miles for
> > > mechanical integrity, for the most part a major rebuild of
> > > the various mechanical systems is indicated.
> >
> > Shocks, suspension bushings, CV joints, wheel bearings, etc.
> > I can accept.  Engine, transmission and body should make it
> > to 200K miles these days.
> Err, with the new all aluminium engines, the margin for any operational
> errors(overheating for example) is smaller.
> The 750i V12 was the earliest example, and it does not get to
> 200k......before oil consumption becomes horrendous.....from what I have
> seen so far.
> The 540/740 V8's also seem unlikely to reach 200k without protest......
> > No wonder the Japanese sell more cars.
> Yes, they are trying.........

	Atleast for someone like Lexus, they seem to have a better record
with less breakdowns.

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