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528i driving impressions

Brandon wrote that he was thinking of trading his 320ic for an E39 528. A year ago, I parted with 
my 5/94 production E36M3 for a 5 speed 528i, and, with the exception of the first few weeks , have 
never regretted it. ( It took me that long to get used to having to wait for people to let me 
merge on the freeway<g> this was NEVER a problem with the M3).

The ride, handling, and even the acceleration are great, as is the build quality ( what a 
difference from the M - the 5 feels as if it was carved from a single billet of steel). My
car has virtually every factory option, including the nav system and the DSP stereo, and I have
virtually no complaints. It is a rock solid high speed cruiser in virtually any setting, and is 
still fun to pitch down a winding back road. No, it's not a M3 - but then, the M3 is no 5, either.

Hope this helps, Brandon...
