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Re:Age discrimination

	I've got a couple of friends that have sold cars at dealerships (one still
does) and after showing them the first post complaining about "age
discrimination" they all said about the same thing.
	For every 18-25 year old who comes into a dealership and is willing and
able to buy you, will have a dozen or so who just want to "joy ride" and
many of those (who are actually able to take the car off the lot) will do
damage to the car (everything from spilled sodas to over-revving a motor
that's not quite broken in to actual body damage).
	 A salesman (excuse me, salesperson) who routinely lets youngsters damage
$30k+ automobiles is usually shown the door.
	It may seem quite unfair for someone to judge someone else just by
appearance, and it's become quite PC to demonize others for doing so, but
I'll bet all of you judge the people you date or do business with the same
	So for those of you who are young and still able to afford a new BMW (
hell for that matter, I'm 29 and a Neon or any other new car is out of my
price-range) just deal with the fact that you are going to be judged by the
actions of others. Too bad, that's life, get over it!

Mike Biles
'76 '02 (don't laugh it's paid for)
