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RE: gtv 2000 rear bumpers

> my 1974 GTV currently has what my wife refers to as a 
> "frankenbumper". it
> consists of the end pieces of the bumper that was on the car 
> when i bought
> it, and a center section that rick pocock gave to me from his spares
> inventory after his GTV race car was totaled quite a few 
> years ago now.
> it has holes which apparently are for license plate 
> illumination lights,
> which are unused; there is a bar containing lights over the 
> license plate
> which works, and which i presume is original.
> should the center section of a 1974 GTB rear bumper be solid,  or have
> these cutouts? i'm trying to figure out what is correct for 
> this particular
> car.

The center section on the '74 should be solid.  The '71 and '72 GTV did
not have the license plate lights mounted above the plate, the lights
were in the bumper, hence the holes.

I've seen stainless plugs in some bumpers, it might be easier to find a
couple of those than it would be to find a new bumper.

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