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Sage advice on mold smell

2. Sell the car to someone who is "oraganically (should this be Oregonically, or organically?)
oriented." Advertise it as "An Alfa that has become
one with nature."
3. Sell it in the Pacific Nothwest. Natives of the
area won't notice any difference from the cars they
drive every day.
Vancouver, WA

A few years ago, during my short unhappy time renting cars, one of our fleet had a strong mold smell that resisted many hours effort with the best, most expensive deodorizers. It made no difference, and this was awful, even for Portland---just across the river from Mr. DeBaker and his companion, Ms. Healey Jensen. It was so musty, it was unbearable, even to me, who lived 18 years in SE Asia. You HAD to drive with the windows down, and emerged feeling like others could smell the car on you.

It was cured when I rented the car to a couple of latter day hippies (see Mr. DeB's #2) who drove out into the desert and returned with a load of sage brush. It completely obliterated the mold smell, with only the slightest pleasant after scent.

If you are close to sage, or perhaps something similar would work, you might try that. Good excuse for a drive to the desert!

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