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RE: got gas?

When we were at Bonneville this year, I was listening to the PA chatter. One
of the competitors was running an electric streamliner. I checked and found
these records:

CLASS ENTRY NAME                   DRIVER       YEAR   SPEED (mph)
E/I   Silent Thunder               M. Murphy    1997   132.353
E/II  Powertron/Quickcable Spirit
      of San Antonio               L. Healey    1996   198.487
E/III Dempsey World Record Assoc.  P. Rummerfel 1999   251.322

By the way Bonnie did 194+ mph with a turbo charged and intercooled 2L, so
these speeds are pretty cool.

Scott wrote:

Back when I was playing with slot cars (at last I'd
found a level of motorsports competition where I could
afford to buy too much motor! :-), I learned a lot
about electric power.  I have to say that those of us
who like driving enthusiast cars would have a LOT of
fun with an electric car that had a decent
power-to-weight ratio.

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon

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