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RE: Distributor
I believe that the difference in the spring sizes is achieve a non
linear advance curve the smaller guage spring holds the weights first as
the revs increase the ignition is advanced as the spring stretches so
between idle and about 2000 rpm the ingnition advances quite quickly
then the slack in the second spring is taken up and it comes into play
slow the rate of increase of advance. I wouldn't fiddle with the springs
too much they are easy to damage and any damage would alter your advance
curve. I would just ensure that the weights move freely and are lightly
greased and ofcourse that that gear shaft and the arn't siezed together.
The double base plate is for the vacume advance without it you will have
no vacume advance. Unless the pirana ignition has a vacume meter and
adjusts the timming electronically you need the double base plate . You
can get a replacment base plate from rimmers I have replaced mine as I
also had one of the little arm broken.
74 Stag.
Luke Stevens
email: lstevens@domain.elided
Professional Services
Senior Consultant
> ----------
> From: ggrunwald@domain.elided[SMTP:ggrunwald@domain.elided]
> Sent: 16 November 1998 22:11
> To: stag@domain.elided
> Subject: Re: Distributor
> Dave
> I too found the centrifugal advance springs different in my
> distributor.
> One is made out of much heavier wire than the other and consequently
> is
> much stiffer. When I asked some Lucas auto-electricians about this
> they
> indicated that it is normal. In the Stag ROM there is a table of
> advance
> settings against RPM. You can probably arrange to have the
> distributor
> advance curve graphed and the springs adjusted to suit the curve. If
> you
> use Excel or some other spreadsheet program and plot the minimum and
> maximum values from the ROM, average them and fit a polyline to them
> you
> will obtain a smooth curve . Alternatively if you are running Excel
> 97 I
> can email the graph to you keeping in mind that the values I have used
> are
> the ones for my 1977 Australian compliance Stag.
> Sorry I can not help with base plate query.
> Guy Grunwald
> Dave Biggs <D.Biggs@domain.elided> on 17/11/98 02:04:02 AM
> To: Stag Owners Club <stag@domain.elided>
> cc: (bcc: Guy Grunwald/Network/energyAustralia/AU)
> Subject: Distributor
> Gents,
> Sorry if this is a repeat but our systems were down more time than
> they
> were up last week so I don't know if it got through.....
> I have been looking at my distributor before putting it back into the
> engine and found that the centrifugal advance springs look different
> to
> each other. Is this correct ? If not can you buy the springs on their
> own ?
> Also, the hooks on the baseplate that hold the upper plate have
> broken.
> I want to fit electronic ignition and I remember that the Piranha kit
> enables you to do away with the plates (the Luminition doesn't). Is
> that
> correct or will I have to buy new plates anyway ?
> Regards,
> Dave.
> --
> Dave Biggs
> Senior Design Engineer
> Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd,
> Birmingham Business Park,Solihull Parkway, Birmingham, B37 7YU.
> mailto:D.Biggs@domain.elided tel: 0121 717 6094 efax: 0121 717
> 6014
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