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Dear Andrew and all,

I have read lately of some ideas of connecting a buzzer across the contacts
of the oil pressure switch to give an audiable warning of the light coming
on. I thought this sounds like a good idea (no pun intended).

It had also crossed my mind, before Andrews sad news, that maybe the same
could be done to monitor the temperature in the same way.

A small bunch of electronics taking a signal in from the oil switch and also
one from the temperature sender. A pot in the electronics could be adjusted
to set the temperature warning level just above the norm. Once adjusted it
should not need changed unless the sender or thermostat is changed.

When the car was first started the buzzer would sound due to low OP. Once
the engine turned over enough to make the OP switch it would silence. This
buzzer sounding would be the "circuit test" to let you know it's working.

As one drives along the country lanes, you need not worry too much about
scanning the dashboard as the two most critical things are being audiably
monitored and if there is a problem you'll hear about it.

Now my motives.

I happen to run a small electronic assembly plant. We currently make
catalytic converter amplifiers for Rover (used on Minis and Discovery) along
with lots of other things.

Would anyone be interested in such an add-on?. I don't mean to make a
profit, just cover costs and I guess with shipping it may end up at £20 or
less. The more people who are interested,  the more profesional a job I
could do.

Any thoughts on viability or alterations to the specification (if you can
call the above a spec) would be gratefully received.

David Kirk - Kingston Products Ltd

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