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Peter Shubin wrote:
All I can say is I'm glad your not my neighbor! I would never do that in my
yard but I wouldn't stop you either.
In my "defense".. I would agree that some of the stuff *IS* "junk" (like
the two body tubs).
I fully intended to re-organize and arrange the spare parts/spare Scouts
in a more asthetically pleasing manner.. but someone pushed my buttons,
The first tub was dropped off by a friend when I wasn't home, so he
failed to put it right where I wanted it.
The next three IHs (tub, SII, and '74 pickup) were brought home over the
course of a week, with the last one (tub) arriving on Sunday.
Here's what really upset me. A complaint was filed TUESDAY.
It was my intention to shift things around a little better after getting
them home, but I flew out Thursday to a family event in Pittsburgh, so I
didn't have time before I left.
When I came home a week later (<2 weeks after bringing the IHs home),
there was already a notice from the County.
At that point, I started researching the law and my options.
Prior to getting a Violation notice, I was going to arrange things in an
orderly fashion behind my shop, out of site from the Public Road (per
the rules) - only visible from my PRIVATE road.
I'd started pricing some small fencing to complete my visual screen.
BUT.. once I found out someone felt the need to turn me in, I stopped
feeling so cooperative / considerate of my turn-me-in neighbors.
Frankly, permanently licensing everything was cheaper and easier than
arranging things and putting up a privacy fence.
As an added bonus, I get the satisfaction of knowing that whomever felt
the urge to turn me in (after allowing TWO WHOLE WORK DAYS to get things
organized/hidden better), now has to deal with the "eyesore" EVERY DAY.
That's my punishment to them, for being intolerant neighbors.
If I knew just who filed the complaint, I might even arrange the IHs...
to maximize their irritation level.
Maybe next week I'll rant about the neighbors (that I suspect turned me
in) trespassing on my property and making a make-shift "driveway"
through my field.. or the same neighbors' son roaring up and down their
property and along my private road on his obnoxious ATV and kicking up
dust.. to which my "equal force" response is to act in a like manner
(racing up and down my property and my private road) in my open-headered
race Scout.
When I'm feeling nice, I use the mufflers.. when I'm not feeling so
nice, I leave it uncorked.
In hindsight, Pete.. you're probably right about not wanting me for a
neighbor. ;) Unless, of course, we got along. :D