The owner of the horse trailer is more than happy to loan it occasionally, since we board 2 of her horses under market and don't charge her storage on the trailer ;)Jim, There are people out there who purposely wire their trailers wrong so other people can't borrow their trailers. Does your neighbor really want you borrowing their trailer
Yeah, I had standardized on 6 as well. Then a few years into it I realized that the split male pins fatigue and collapse over time, even the good Pollack or Cole/Hersee units. 7 way is just a superior design, and check that *humungous* central trailer power lead :) OTOH, it's nice to have both so you don't need to mess with conversion harnesses. Ongoing project here is to add a 7-way to everything, then convert the trailers. Hofs was nice enough to notice my 1210 was both 6 and 7-way enabled in Shoshone this year. Hey John, did I mention that the plugs are mounted with stainless socket heads as well. Ooooohhhh... ;)I was debating the switch to 7 way RV style the other day. Everything I own is 6 way,