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RE: Spark Plug Wires

>I'd love to know of a more common engine that had wires of just the right
>size for the IH.  Then I could order some pre-assembled wires of just the
>right size.  Hopefully, they will also have the equivalent quality of the
>wires I'm currently using in addition to better boots, less time required,
>and perhaps cost less.  While I'm at it, I'd like them to be candy-striped
>(why not?).

Ken, et al-

I made this same basic suggestion/comment several months ago and it got
narry a blip on the ole' digest radar screen.  There has to be a set of
Ford or Chrysler big block wires that will work out of the box on an IH,
since they both have front distributors.  I would think a 440 Dodge engine
would be about right, or a 460 Ford.  Any of you guys have a BB Ford or
Chrysler and can do a little measuring?

Paul Brakefield

1966 IHC Scout 800- "The Beast"
	Chevy 350/SM465/Dana20
	<Springover with 33s>
1972 Scout II
	<I'm workin' on it!>
1990 Daihatsu Rocky
	<Tellico tested>

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