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Re: grease and 800 lifts

>800 lifts, drat, I'd almost forgotten this whole fiasco. Short version,
>55-75 CJ springs work ... sort of. The rears go right in, the fronts need
>to have either the mounts on the frame moves slightly (3/4" each) or a new
>mainleaf. I chose the latter and it cost me, but in retrospect I could have
>been a little clever and saved myself a lot of time and trouble. The key
>(IMHO) to making this swap affordable is to find the CJ springs cheaply,
>otherwise you could just get the stockers reaerched or buy the one 800 kit
>on the market. Amount of lift varies with the condition of your old springs
>and which new springs you use. If you want the whole gory story let me know
>off digest, these poor guys have heard it to death. I do have access to a
>set of rearched, leaf added, 800 springs that i took off  when I did the CJ
>swap to the 800, or i could make you a deal on the set currently on my 74
>CJ, that'll take some warning though.

So--what's 3/4" IF you are going to put the shackles at the back end of the
springs anyway?? Are the CJ springs shorter or longer, how far is the
center hole from the eyes on the main leaf, etc??

Seems to me that, if reversing the shackles, it might be a good time to get
a main leaf with an assymetrically located center hole anyway, Go a little
shorter from the front eye to the axle than from the axle to the shackle
eye--improve stability and ride a bit more while doing it all--This would
prolly be worth the extra bucks!

Regards, Greg
>Terry  Rust

>-Paul Elrich, Stanford University biologist and advisor to Vice President
>Albert Gore

I believe that Erlich is the same dumb SOB who claimed that we were on the
verge of having another ice age, and that we all would have starved, run
out of oil, and have no raw metal ores left by now--these claims by Erlich
all  came  25 or 30 years ago! Guess he thinks that all of us must be dumb
enough to have forgotten about his earlier books by now!! Need I say more??
NO--but I will anyway!

Erlich is no academic--He is a snake oil salesman, who writes scare books
targeted at technically incompetent paranoids so as to profit from whatever
scare he thinks he can drum up at any given time! Glad to see that little
al is so perceptive and sagacious in his choice of advisors! This kind of
stuff REALLY makes me wanna vote for the stupid turkey!


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