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At 12:26 PM -0400 5/8/99, Steven A. Stegmann wrote:
>I didn't know there was anyone on the list who heard of MVS. I know
>who actually think TSO is a user friendly system. Gives me the shivers
>just think about it.

Actually I preferred the IBM 1130 for a personal computer
But if you must really share memory space, I'd opt for
TOPS-20.  The problem is the cost in electricity to
run the A/C units is a bit prohibitive.
then again I liked hacking ITS, lots of TECO code.
nothing like debugging the disk driver while everyone
else was using it..


System 3, System 3
It's monitor loses so totally
it run all its programs in RPG
it's made by our favorite monopoly
System 3

IBM had a PL/1
It's syntax worse than JOSS
and everywhere the language went
it was a total loss..

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