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Re[2]: Events?

        Back when I had my lifted '72 Chevy 3dr Sub, I went out with the HML 
guys on the Winkleman event www.humvee.com (I think).  lately I hevent had the 
gut to tear up my Travelall.  I'm almost set to get another '72 Sub though, 
maybe I'll back out there with it.


        But I don't think I can make it Valentines' wknd.  Something that my 
Valentine prolly wouldn't agree to. <G>


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Subject: Re: Events?
Author:  kevin@domain.elided at mime
Date:    1/28/99 8:32 AM

It's not necessarily a Scout event but there will be some (mine at least) 
there....The Big Texas Outing is taking place Valentines weekend. Please see 
http://www.redhummer.net/bigtex.html for event details.
jmbrodsky@domain.elided wrote:
>         Can someone compile a list of the upcoming IH events and their 
>      locations and registraion dates?
"It's not a matter of no one else being able to keep up. It's a matter 
of no one else being able to follow." -from my Hummer poster
SC4x4EI - Home of "TK SLiders" www.muddyjeep.com 
Kevin Curry <>< - Kevin@domain.elided
Lisa Curry <>< - Gonna be a trailblazer yet! 
'94 Red Hummer 4DHT Slant-back - "HummuH" 
'75 Black International Scout - "Stealth" 
'84 White "Lightening" CJ-7
'89 Soon to be whatever color Lisa wants Suburban - "Sluggo" 
ICQ# 7653541

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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 10:32:28 -0600
From: Kevin Curry <kevin@domain.elided>
Subject: Re: Events?
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