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Re: '76 Scout not starting woes

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:57:29 -0600 Jim <junglejim@domain.elided> writes:
>Hi all,
>This might take me a few, and I am sure I will be bombarded by questions
>and comments, but I welcome them all, I am at wits end.
>I have a 1976 Scout II, 345v8, stock Holly carb(2210c or whatever) 2Bbl,
>nothing on it is different then it was basically in '76.
>Problem: Won't Start(fire)
>Solution: That is where you all come in handy.
>I was driving it in May or June(i am slow and lazy ok?) an it quit
>towed home and it sat.  No spark, changed plugs, wires, cap and rotor,
>sure the coil was good(it is) and then my neighbor noticed that my rotor
>wasn't turning(ok, so i am slow and stupid too)
>Tore front end apart, replaced timing gears(shorn teeth) now my rotor
>turns, all is back in place(lost chiltons manual, can't remember how
>go on exactly, but we'll get to that) and now, besides a few extra bolts
>here and there from the job i did, I can't get it to fire STILL.
>Rotor turns, all is happy, NO SPARK.
>neighbor thinks it might be that my distributor is 180 out, gosh i hope
>will check that tomorrow, but...what if it isn't, and i put it 180 out
>way it is now and i don't get spark? then how do i know how distributor
>should be?  I don't get a spark at the plug, so that should have nothing
>do with the distributor, right??
>Help, I have a job interview on Friday afternoon, and with my luck, i'll
>get the damn job, and have to ride my bike to work Monday.
>I appreciate you all reading this and hope i made some sense, please
>or email me and i'll answer any and all questions I can...Laymen's terms
>ok?  I am smart, just not to bright.
Distributor 180 out shouldn't cause no spark, just spark at the wrong
time.  First check to see if you have 12V to the + terminal of the coil. 
If not you probably need to check the bulkhead connectors in the
firewall.  Take them apart, clean and lube the contacts, and put them
back together.  Make sure the coil is still good.

If you've got 12V, test the - side to see if the voltage fluctuates as
the electronic ignition grounds it out to cause it to spark.  If not,
check the sensor gap in the distributor and the related wiring.  The
problem here could also be the ignition module--the "Gold Box" and
substitution is the only way I know to check that out.

To check the distributor alignment, take the #8 plug (rear one on the
passenger side) out so you can check for the compression stroke as you
turn the engine with a socket on the crank bolt.  Bring #8 to TDC and the
timing mark on the crankshaft dampner should also be aligned.  Make sure
the rotor is pointing to the wire to #8.

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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