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stainless brake lines

From : John Ekelmann

Hey Tom Mandera, 
Where did you find skyjackers brake lines for scouts for $64 dollars like
your website says? Was this for the pair or just one? Part #?
I was Quoted $100 for the front pair and if I could get them for 64 that
would be good. I know they are not street legal and all but I am not to
concerned about that.  I read at Russell's site their is little difference
between the dot approved ones, they must pass a whip test where a machine
whips the lines a billion times and then inspected, the non dot lines
stainless cover frays a little at the connection, to pass dot cert they
just put some silicon tube over the part that goes into the crimp connector
to stop the chafing.  I feel if I inspect these lines often I wont have any
problems, I won't worry to much about officer friendly inspecting my brake

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