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Re: Another Transmission/transfer case Question

O.K., I have a 76 Traveler with 345 and I think TF727. 

Yesterday I went putting around some nearby mountains and used low range
for the first time. (I have only had this truck for about 2 months and am
still "getting to know it") I don't know if I have any traction aiding
difs (I bought the truck from a second party who knew nothing of it's
history) anyhow.. I shifted into low range and it worked fine until I was
turning while climbing a rough hill and the transfer case lever suddenly
popped into nuetral with a clunking/binding sound. so I thought "hmm...
That's odd" and shifted it into low again and kept going and turned wheel
pretty far again and *Clunk* out of gear goes the lever again! It didn't
do this in high range as much as I drove it that day. After this happened
I was hesitant to use 4x4 and headed back into town (just in case) 

Well no other problems, the hubs were locked while I was out there and I
am clueless to what would cause this. 

	If I had a locker, would it maybe do this? I wouldn't think so
	Could I have a bent axle or something else (I.E. screwed up low
	range?). It seemed to do fine when I went straight only kicking
	out in a medium to sharp wheel turn.

Thanks for any comments!

Mark A. Pepe			mpepe@domain.elided		Tucson,Az


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