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e-36 window funkiness

Hello again,
Thanks to everyone that replied to the O2 sensor question, I'll be checking 
the plugs, air filter, ICV and searching for minor vacuum leaks this weekend. 
The other problem I'm having is the driver's side window.  (The car in 
question is a 95 318ti).  I've tried trading switches with the passenger side 
window, but that hasn't helped.  When I push on the UP button hard enough 
(past the "detent" feeling in the switch) to activate the "One Touch Close" 
function, the window goes up approximately 1/4 of the way, and then stops and 
goes down about an inch.  If I push it again, it goes up another 1/4 of the 
way, then drops an inch.  If I keep doing this it does go all the way up, or 
I can just hold the button and make it go all the way up like I did in lesser 
vehicles.  Like I said, the passenger side window one-touch up and down works 
fine, and trading switches between the two sides had no effect.
Does this sound familiar to anybody?
