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E36 Belt Vibration & Airbag Light

Hello to you all,

I'm a proud owner of a 1996 E36 318TDS Touring and i'm experiencing
something very strange.

In the morning, when i start my car, i sense a strange vibration in the
front, probably coming from the Power Steering Pump's Belt. I suspect it
comes from there, because when i turn the steering wheel, the vibration
increases a lot. After 10 or 15 min, and when the engine is hot, the
vibration pure and simply disapears.

Does anyone experienced anything similar in the past? Can anyone help me on

About solving the known Airbag Light on the E36, i want to share a curious
thing with you BMW owners. A few months ago, while installing an aftermarket
alarm on my car, my airbag light remained lit permanently. What i did was
find the Airbag Main Unit under the back seat, disconect the socket and the
ground wire from the unit with the car battery disconected, reconected the
battery and voila: AIRBAG LIGHT OFF. The thing of it is, i drove my car dor
2 months (or so) without the airbag protection. A few days ago i disconected
the car battery, i reconected the Airbag Main Unit socket and the ground
wire, and voila: AIRBAG FULLY FUNCTIONAL AGAIN. Maybe this is not the most
secure method of eleminitating the Airbag light from staying on, but it

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Best regards.

Paulo Moreira
1996' E36 318TDS Touring
