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Re: Quality of List

John Korzeniowski - Chief Operating Officer - The Wired Executive wrote:
> I have been a member of this list for many years.  If we would like a
> web based interface for this list I think all members should consider
> donating some $$ to get it done.  I would easy donate some $$ and some
> expertise.

Ermm... It doesn't really require much of either.

GNU Mailman does it for free, and is pretty painless to convert to. 


Several other lists I subscribe to use this for list management, and
it's very cool. Also allows you to change subscription options via the
web interface, as well as requiring a username / password to read the
archives, which is good becuase it keeps list subscriber's emails
private so that we don't end up on spam lists.

- --shawn

- -- 

s h a w n   m o y e r

"So join the struggle while you may,
the Revolution is just a t-shirt away"

		--Billy Bragg
