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Re: e36 Plastic Water Pumps

I see that the plastic water pump thread is making the rounds again...

My "occurance" presented itself yesterday, August 19, 2001

Overheating (Florida summer day) and 53K miles...turned heater on for
temporary "relief" (for the car, not occupants)...gauge dropped to
mid-range...coasting to a stop less than 1 mile from home and stop at red
light...gauge back to red immediately...then "boom" radiator inlet blew.
Instant engine steam-clean!

Tow truck comes tomorrow...bill expected to be $630 (radiator, hoses, water
pump, coolant, replacement hose clamps + labor for above) plus any

There's a hard way to do everything---and my job is to figure out what that

        ...Success once again.

- -Tim Ware
1995 e36 (325i) convertible--with new radiator and metal water pump on order
