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checking battery drain

  Have a shop you trust check the heat of relays and major appliances that
could be stuck on, using temp probes.
  If that doesn't work, take the time to disconnect battery, link an
ammeter between battery post & battery lead, and start pulling fuses.
Start with the fuse for the motronic, and continue until you get a
"zero-down" on the offensive circuit.
  Once you're identified the offensive circuit, disconnect all appliances
(one-at-a-time) until you've found the culprit.
  Before starting this process, do a good "battery service", including
cleaning of the posts & clamps.

 Dan Patzer the CyberWrench from BIMMERS ONLY Seattle's exclusive BMW hobby
Providing O.E.M. parts, Independent service & Instruction since 1964
 12724  Marine Drive,  Marysville, Wa. 98271
72' tii touring   K1200LT   85' 732i   R850R
http://www.nwlink.com/~bmrfamly/   425-259-3601
