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Fwd: 1987 528e Stalling problem

A strange one. Recently, my 1987 528e has begun to stall. It most often
occurs when the car is warm and has been driven on the highway for at least
20 minutes. If I then encounter traffic, and am forced to slow down to
5/10 mph for a few minutes, the car often stalls. Very bad thing to do

in traffic. I can usually start, but the car will stall before I can move.

The RPM's at this point fluctuate between 1500 and 0, as if the engine
is being flooded and cleared. Eventually, if I try enough times and rev
the engine to @ 2000 RPM, the car behaves and I can drive it again.

Attempted solutions: new air flow meter, new fuel regulator pump, cleaned
fuel injectors. Timing has been checked, plugs check o.k., dry gas added
to tank on 3 different fill-ups. Cap, rotor and wires are only 6 months
old, battery 3 months old.

Also, the oil service lights stay lit even when the car is off. And the
left turn signal display on the dash doesn't always work, even though the
external signal lights always function.

Am I looking at a malfunctioning OBC? Or just some unrelated problems?

