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RE: <E36> coolant level and door panels
Re: coolant levels
We had the same problem last year in our '93 325i. There was TSB about the
radiator cap, (#170198 OCT 98 Radiator Cap Recall - No. 98V-178}.
Our dealer says this was supposed to take care of the problem. It did, for
about 3 months. The car started overheating, and we needed a fan clutch,
water pump and thermostat. Six months later, it started overheating again,
and we had to replace all the above again, plus a new radiator. The coolant
level was never low. We still see the light from time to time, but so far,
no other problems. Of course, it's still winter.
Re: door panels
Thanks for all the replies, this is obviously another "known problem" with
the early E36.
Peachtree CCA