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RE: b_c_g: E24 Front Spoilers

Our Volvo had a black plastic replacement spoiler   . The dealer wanted to
charge me to paint it and I said NO!. It looked good and unobtrusive in

- -----Original Message-----
From: Lee Leslie [mailto:lleslie@domain.elided]
Sent: January 26, 1999 7:14 AM
To: Multiple recipients of b_c_g
Subject: b_c_g: E24 Front Spoilers

I will take it for granted that I am not the only person who is unhappy
with the condition of their front spoiler.. I've spoken to a few people
about replacement & the general consensus is that it will cost me somewhere
in the neighborhood of 5-700 bucks... & if I am going to spend that on
cosmetics it would prob. go towards new door seals... long story short..
Back in the day I had a 93 Accord, the front bumper had what they called a
front chin spoiler.. it was flat black rubber regardless of paint color
which worked great b/c you could hit stuff with it & the scratches were
unnoticeable... Has anyone investigated fabricating something like this for
a 6er? It seems like it could be a pretty simple & inexpensive fix that
could just be installed with small screws or adhesive...

Just a thought... Lee
