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I swore it was fourth... really


My sincere gratitude to everyone who's responded privately and publicly to 
my M3 overrev post.  After weighing all the suggestions, I've decided to 
take a conservative approach and get that compression-leak down test first 
thing Monday morning.  Not doing anything about it would leave this owner's 
mind in paranoia mode, and immediately putting 2k into this problem is not 
exactly something I'm anxious about doing...

..Ironically, when I went to my mechanic yesterday to have him give my car 
a once-over, he had a set of wwaaaaaaay bent valves sitting right there on 
his counter.  Hmmm.  That's exactly what I wanted to see.  Kinda pulling up 
to the hospital and getting a spot right after a hearse pulls out.  "E30 
owner forgot to change the timing belts."  Uh-huh.

Much thanks again, everyone.  I'll keep you all posted on what happens... 
in case any of you are making bets.

I offer this little chuckle as my digest contribution this morning;

Why don't you want Tonto and Monica Lewinsky in the back seat of your M3?

Because you'd wind up with a blown Injun.

Mike Chiang
'95 ///M3
