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Wazzzat you say?

>Please don't take your post so seriously. Or more so,
>don't expect everyone to agree with you or treat you like,
>Duane Collie, always kissing your ass, for you have not done
>anything worth kissen your ass, like he and many others, have taken
>the time and expense to do. 
>---- Martin Miller

<laughing>  Hey Martin, I read this about ten times....still not sure if I
was just insulted or not!

>With all due respect, admiration, fealty, etc. to Richard Welty, I am
>allowing myself to disregard his demand that the BMWCCA elections
>discussion be declared off-limits. I have yet to read an adequate
>to Duane's posting. The alleged events he mentions would certainly seem to
implicate more >than just the Treasurer function.
>-----Patrick Van de Wille

Patrick, While I agree wholeheartedly with you in principle, Richard has
demanded this stop and  he owns the list and the equipment to run it. I
think we collectively have to abide by his wishes - !dammit!- out of
respect even if when some of us would like to see otherwise. I've told
Richard I will honor his proclamation and the rest of us probably should,
too.  Maybe a "Letter to the Editor" in the Roundel would be more
appropriate, eh? <snickering - imagining the turmoil that would create at
the CCA Office for days on end....)

Oh yeah, feel free to stop by the Rolling Rock Garage sometime where we
have no such limtiations and thrash every CCA/Digest topic/personality
relentlessly whilest partaking of Latrobe's finest nectar.

Duane Collie
