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NCC Elections

Since we're sortof on the topic of elections - here's one for National
Captial Chapter members.  

Rich Bebee (Canditate for Vice President) & Lucy Bebee (Canditate for
Secretary) are running for office.  Now, their names are the only ones on
the ballots, BUT STILL - you should vote at the Holiday Party next Saturday
when election results are tabulated.

I'm really pleased to see that Rich and Lucy are willing to step up to the
plate in the NCC (second largest chapter - now over 3,000 strong).  Rich is
certifiably a Bimwad lunatic to the nth degree and intends to race SCCA
MARRS ITS Class this year. I feel sorry for the competition <<<< (Hey
GEEEEZZEEE - SEE THAT!!! ??!!) 'cause Rich is one of the best drivers I've
ever had the pleasure to share a track with.  How BMW nutty is Rich?  I
think he would honestly consider a Roundel tattoo on his arm with a little
persuasion - a few Rolling Rocks - and some egging on. Trademark
infringement?  Let BMWNA try to cut off some skin!

Seriously though, Rich has the right ATTITUDE as does his wife Lucy to make
the changes we need at NCC to accomodate the wishes of the Club Members
rather than the mixed agenda of the established Old Guard.  I wish them
both the best of luck and urge NCC members to vote for them.

Duane Collie

<psssst...Rich...you can stick the case of beer in my car next Saturday
night, O.K?>
