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Clearing the air ONE last time!

David Holeman writes:

> I think that
> most would agree that the products are well engineered, well made and
> backed by BMW and Dinan.


While I have my own opinions about points 1 & 2, out of respect, I'll keep
them to myself.  Suffice it to say that if I thought the existing products
were in any way sufficient, I never would have wasted my time developing 
better ones myself!

HOWEVER, this advertising-frenzy-created MYTH that BMW in some way "backs up"
or "warranties" Dinan products is totally off base.

Let's make this CLEAR as we can... SOME BMW *dealers* sell Dinan products
(some also sell Autothority, and some sell mine!) and this has NOTHING to
do with BMW "approving" anyones products.  Dealers are independent businesses
and can pretty much sell what they want!

So, let's make this 100% clear to those who can't get it..

BMW does NOT warranty Dinan products.. or ANY other aftermarket product

Dinan products have their own warranty thru DINAN
(in come cases it's free, in some cases you have to PAY $2500 for it!)

Any inference to the contrary is total B.S.!!

Jim C.
