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Boyd, David (Neighbour Boy) wrote:
>         Why is "abbreviated" so long?
>         So, I need some help with this list and the terminolgy- such as WOB,
> BA,
>         FS, WTB, and others that I can't seem to guess?

WOB = waste of bandwidth
BA = the very helpful and knowledgeable Brett Anderson
     (he honors the past requests of some digesters to put BA in his
      subject lines so that digest readers would know he wrote it
      'cause they like to read anything written by him)
FS = for sale
WTB = want to buy

I can't guess what others you're having difficulty with.
Except for BA, all the rest are common across the internet.
(Actually BA also shows up in the Porsche lists -- but it 
means Bruce Anderson.)
Anyway, if you have other abbr. questions, feel free to 
ask me directly.

