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Enough logo sticker talk!

Enough with the bickering about enfringement and lawsuits!  Like someone 
wrote before we don't have to use the roundel or the kidney stones 
(oops!) grill to have a digest sticker.  Somebody else had mentioned 
that they saw a mechanic shop that had the letters BWM instead of BMW on 
the front of it.  Why can't we use something like that?  I'm sure we 
would all recognize it and people who didn't know about it would 
probably not even notice it's spelled wrong.  It would be a digest 
thing!  It could be small and I think it would probably look pretty 
kewel.  What more do you guys want?  Everyone is so concerned with it 
looking all nice and and having pretty pictures.  If you guys want 
pretty pictures let me know and I'll send over the local hoodlums to do 
a mural on your rear window or better yet the hood.  Yahh a mural with a 
big aztec indian holding up the roundel!!!!   Stop making it so 

Manuel Paredes
1995 325i

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End of bmw-digest V9 #664