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re: New to my BMW

Tony Lin writes:  

> Hi Liz.  Hope you enjoy your car soon.  I have the same year and model 
> and *love*it.  Very economical and one that a backyard tinkerer can 
> easily fix.  

It's running (sans power steering of course)!!  So far, I love driving it 
*and* working on it.

> RE: power steering pump pulley.  Somteimes a set of large vise grips can 
> do the trick.  I have a pair that has jaws big enough to hold a 
> baseball- the jaws resemble the jaw outline of a bowhead whale (i'm not 
> kidding).

Thanks!!  I've seen them and I think I'll try it in the morning, weather 


Liz Sayre 
'84 318i  

I don't know where I'm going but I'm making progress.
