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Alignment Questions

> I just got my '95 M3 aligned and I looked at the spec sheet that listed
> they did.  I noticed that there is a small range for each setting (camber
> between -.4 and -1.4).  I then looked at the specs they set my car to.  I
> noticed that the camber on left-front was about -1.0 and the right-front
> was -1.5.  Now my first thought was that it should be within range.  My
> second thought was that they should be the same on the left as the right.
> Right?  I also notice a very slight pull to the left.  What I am asking
> Shouldn't the setting be the same on the left as on the right, regardless
> the range?
> thanks,
> Mark DeSimone
> '95 M3
> ................

The fact that your right front measures additional negative camber is
consistent with the fact that your car pulls to the left.  The extra camber
thrust on the right front will "push" the car to the left.

Your front toe setting will have no bearing whatsoever on whether your car
pulls left or right.  However, the rear toe settings can affect pull.  Did
you have your rear toe checked?  Rear camber can also cause the car to pull
left or right, as can front caster.  Tire pressure imbalance is another
possibility.  I have a slow leak in my right rear.  When it gets 6-8 psi
below the left rear I can feel a noticeable pull to the right due to
increased friction of the right rear tire.

If you can convince yourself that the front camber is within 0.3 degrees
left to right than I wouldn't worry about it.  0.5 degrees is about the
limit of what I would personally tolerate.

Hope this helps...

Gustave Stroes
88 M3
