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Mark.. pick up a Thermo (or Physics) text...

Now look up some of the stuff on conversions..

As in no conversion is 100% efficient..

Now check the conversion efficiency of your fan motor..
(that would be electrical to motion)

Then the alternator.. (the opposite)

Multiply them together.. and email me (US) the result!


PS: Did you KNOW that the companies that do this have
    to use special brushless motors and VERY SPECIAL and
    LARGE and HEAVY and COMPLEX MosFet circuits to handle
    all the current to REALLY create significant boost even
    at low rpm levels.. if you were at SEMA.. the professional
    automotive trade show last week in Vegas, as I was.. you
    could have SEEN the device and played with it!

    The Driver box was about 10 x 6 x 6 with three phase cables
    10mm in diameter (conductor that is, rubber made them thicker!)

    All done to increase the efficiency of the conversion
    to make the device work for low RPM boost to clean the environment
