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Donn York writes:
>>Reading a United magazine article about autobahn driving, it turns out
 that "AVUS" was the name of the first autobahn in Germany!  I thought
 you all would want to know in time for weekend cocktail party chit-chat.=

The Avus was a speedway in the southwest of Berlin by the lakes and
 the Grunewald.  Part of it is still in use as a four-lane divided highwa=

it's marked prominently on maps as Avus 15.  I used it to get from
 downtown to the Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz and remember passing the =

original reviewing stands.  According to Baedeker, the initials represent=

the =

German term Automobil-Verkehrs- und Ubungsstrasse.   Alas, the records =

cited by Baedeker don't come from Bavarians:  in 1937, Bernd Rosemeyer =

was fastest around the circuit in an Auto Union and Rudolf Caracciola set=

 the top speed in a Mercedes.

 -- Mark

Mark McHarry
BMW CCA Golden Gate Chapter #82852


End of bmw-digest V9 #453