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Re: Ticket Beating

There is one almost fail safe method to beat a ticket once you are in court.
When it is your turn to question the officer, devise a line of questions
regarding the details of your car, person, etc.
ei; "did you notice what color the car in question was?", "was anyone else
in the car besides the driver?","did the car have a spoiler, sunroof, or any
other distinguishable features", "did the driver have a hat, glasses, or any
other distinguishable features", etc. etc.
Most likely (unless you made a seen when getting the ticket) the officer
won't remember a thing because you were one of tons of people he has pulled
over since then (if you get an extension on your court date it can help this
If he tries to use notes, object.  This takes a lot of nerve, but will a)wow
the judge, b)make an enemy of the officer,     c)work, on the terms that the
officer must have recollection indepent of notes.
Once the officer says that he can't recall any of these items, summons all
nerve in your body and ask that the case be dismissed on account of
insufficiant recollection of the witness.  The officer is a witness to your
speed, nothing more.
The judge will be so impressed that he will either agree and dismiss or
laugh, commend you, and tell you that there is no way you're going to get
off on technicallity.  
I've tried this and got the second response.  I know others who have had the
first response.  You can usually "read" the judge and get an idea of how
he'll react.
Warning:  If you succeed you will not be very high on the officers list.
This is not an urban myth!  I have done it and nearly succeeded (I
know...almost isn't doing) my friends have succeeded.
Bottom line:  What have you got to lose?
Josh M.
