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Can anyone translate what a chip will do for me in terms & can understand? I
hear that Sharked is the way to go with my Stock 88'635 (mfrd 9/87 but titled
88??? Turners chart says the 87 has 182bhp & the 88 has 208bhp that sounds
like a lot of difference how can I tell which I have? I have the automatic &
w/ 153,290 miles on the dial & yesterday it took 7.9 sec to hit 60.. Does this
sound like what a 208 can do? & with Jim's extra 42/24hp should I expect that
7.9 to be 7.7? or will it be "more noticeable" like 6.5? All of the comments I
have heard just say it is noticeable or impressive? Anyone have any experience
with this that can tell me which engine I have or how much faster this chip
will actually make my car?

Thanks for any help you can give me to decide to chip or not to chip! Lee

88' 635 CSi - 153K
97 Boring Accord 31K
97 Boring Accord Deux 22K
83 Whaler - 4 beers per hour min.
