RE: BMW Netsites
Subject: RE: BMW Netsites
From: richard welty <welty@domain.elided>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 18:03:44 -0400
*>This is definitely NOT an official BMW site. BMW Australia has plans
*>of its
*>own and there has been correspondence with the owners of the domain
*>them to remove the pages.
*So, because it's not official, "john richmond" thinks we shouldn't
*visit the oznet site does he?
the oznet site has problems. nobody minds "unofficial" sites, but the
unofficial oznet would be really, really easy to confuse with an
official site, and that would seem to be the crux of the issue here.
i looked at the main page for oznet, and from what i can see, the "BMW"
pages there must have been a prototype for an attempt to convince BMW
Australia to give oznet the web page business; it's not linked up in the
hierarchy, whereas the oznet Nissan page is, for example. it was
probably never intended to be a publically available page, and somebody
outside of oznet just stumbled across it.
there's also not that much in there, anyway.
- --
Not Insane! in '96
George Leroy Tirebiter for President
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