318ti A/C "GROAR"
HELP! Fellow Digester's,
The GROARING (loud grinding roaring sound between 2 and 3,000 rpm's on
setting 1 & 2) gremlins have invaded my '95 ti. The mechanics have no ide
what I'm talking about and think I'm nuts. If anyone has the "EXACT"
problem. and knows what the part is I'd appreciate hearing from you via
personal responses. I'd love to call the (ST)dealer in the morning and tell
him exactly what's wrong and what part number I need replaced. It seems to
me it was a faulty expansion valve, I told him it was the "purge valve"-
which doesn't exist. He doesn't think so since its not listed on BMW'S
Service Bulletin's. He said that the A/C belt might be slipping since the
rain seems to make it act up.
Any info. would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE RESPOND PERSONALLY.
Thanks again,
Brian Koch
318ti active w/ infected A/C