
TDC in other languages.

Fellow digesters,

This is from a table I found in a French collector car magazine  which gave
abbreviations for
valve and flywheel marks and timing in three languages.  I've added the
text to make this a complete
linguistic experience.  For now it's just English, German and French.  It
least now you'll know why a BMW
has OT marked on the flywheel.  It's just TDC in the language of Goethe.

1.  TDC Top Dead Center
2.  BDC Bottom Dead Center
3.  IO  Intake opens
4.  IC  Intake closes
5.  EO  Exhaust opens
6.  EC  Exhaust closes

1.  OT  oberer Totpunkt
2.  UT  unterer Totpunkt
3.  EO  Einlass oefnet
4.  ES  Einlass schliesst
5.  AO  Auslass oefnet
6.  AS  Auslass schliesst

1.  PMH Point Mort Haut 
2.  PMB Point Mort Bas  
3.  OA  Ouverture admission     
4.  FA  Fermature admission     
5.  OE  Ouverture échappement   
6.  FE  Fermature échappement   

Happy tappets to all,

Gregory Bradbury