Printed Circuit Board for '89 525
Subject: Printed Circuit Board for '89 525
From: Sam Feuer <samfeuer@domain.elided>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 14:19:53 -0400
The LCD display on my dash (which can show time, gas consumption, etc - =
a 'slave display' to the main computer display) doesn't function in cold =
or cool weather. And until it starts to work (when the PC board that =
controls it warms up enough), I get a continual high pitched buzzing =
from the dash - similar to the warning buzz you get when you leave the =
key in the ignition - except that IT DOESN'T STOP.
Naturally, this drives me crazy. Almost as crazy as the $1100 (Cdn) or =
about $600 (US) for a replacement PC board.
Does anyone know of=20
(a) a solution to this problem, without replacing the board, or
(b) a good place to buy a replacement board at a reasonable price?
Many thanks.
Sam (samfeuer@domain.elided)