<misc> re: tickets
Interesting responses from some of the digest members..
For whoever this person is (no name signed).."Wow, I didn't know we had a
smokey in the group, who is part of the corruption
in the society centered around traffic court, speeding violations, and
insurance surcharges. All I can say to that officer is go to hell! Regarding
your bullshit comment..." Your response says it all. You'd be surprised
as to the make up of the 2500+ members of this digest. It's not a closed
society, although it is generally a pretty polite one.
And Davor...you're correct in that the licensing laws in the US..surely in
CA are a joke. My girlfriend took a written test a few years back at the
DMW and was marked wrong on one answer. When I looked at the test, the law
had been changed 2 years ago, and her answer was correct. The DMV office
manager had no clue, and had to look it up in the VC to verify. And these
are the people issuing the licenses. It's a sad state of affairs.
If anyone wants to continue this thread privately (unless there really is
an interest in this on the digest), email me privately.....I'd rather be
talking BMW's ):
BMW ACA - Los Angeles (email me if you want to join!)
BMW CCA - San Diego
86 325es 88 325
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